We will be using the dataset at https://github.com/propublica/compas-analysis/raw/master/compas-scores-two-years.csv. Reading it in:

compas <- read.csv("https://github.com/propublica/compas-analysis/raw/master/compas-scores-two-years.csv")

First, we’ll obtain the set we’ll be working with:

idx <- sample(1:nrow(compas))

idx.train <- idx[1:5000]
idx.test <- idx[5001:6000]
idx.valid <- idx[6001:7000]

compas.train <- compas[idx.train,]
compas.test <- compas[idx.test,]
compas.valid <- compas[idx.valid,]

Part 1: Comparing the scores of black and white defendants

We first explore whether white and black defendants get the same COMPAS scores.

compas.bw <- compas.train %>% filter(race %in% c("African-American", "Caucasian"))

ggplot(compas.bw, mapping = aes(x = decile_score)) +
  geom_histogram(bins = 10, mapping = aes(y = ..density..)) + 
  scale_x_continuous(breaks = c(1:10)) +
  facet_wrap(~race)  + 
  xlab("Decile score")

For African-American defendants, the distribution of the scores is approximately uniform. For Caucasian defendants, many more get low scores than high scores.

Part 2: Initial evaluation of the COMPAS scores

Here, we are computing the FPR, FNR, and correct classification rate for different populations. First, we’ll define functions to compute the quantities needed.

get.FPR <- function(compas.set, thr){
  return(sum((compas.set$decile_score >= thr) & (compas.set$is_recid == 0))/sum(compas.set$is_recid == 0))

get.FNR <- function(compas.set, thr){
  return(sum((compas.set$decile_score < thr) & (compas.set$is_recid == 1))/sum(compas.set$is_recid == 1))

get.CCR <- function(compas.set, thr){
  return(mean((compas.set$decile_score >= thr) == compas.set$is_recid))

Compute the sets we need:

compas.valid.b <- compas.valid %>% filter(race == "African-American")
compas.valid.w <- compas.valid %>% filter(race == "Caucasian")

Now, we can compute the numbers:

thr <- 5

fps <- c(get.FPR(compas.valid.b, 5), get.FPR(compas.valid.w, 5), get.FPR(compas.valid, 5))
fns <- c(get.FNR(compas.valid.b, 5), get.FNR(compas.valid.w, 5), get.FNR(compas.valid, 5))
ccr <- c(get.CCR(compas.valid.b, 5), get.CCR(compas.valid.w, 5), get.CCR(compas.valid, 5))

rates <- data.frame(FPR = fps, FNR = fns, CCR = ccr)
rownames(rates) = c("black", "white", "all")
##             FPR       FNR       CCR
## black 0.4686192 0.3176895 0.6124031
## white 0.2401961 0.5174825 0.6455331
## all   0.3182674 0.3965885 0.6450000

We can see that the scores do not satisfy false positive parity and do not satisfy false negative parity. The scores do satisfy classification parity. Demographic parity is also not satisfied.

Part 3: Altering the threshold

We will now see how changing the threshold influences the false positive, false negative, and correct classification rates.

get.rates <- function(thr, compas.set){
  return(c(get.FPR(compas.set, thr), get.FNR(compas.set, thr), get.CCR(compas.set, thr)))

thrs <- seq(0.5, 9.5, 1)
rates.w <- sapply(thrs, FUN=get.rates, compas.valid.w)
rates.b <- sapply(thrs, FUN=get.rates, compas.valid.b)
rates.all <- sapply(thrs, FUN=get.rates, compas.valid)

plot.rates <- function(thrs, rates, caption){
    rates.df <- data.frame(threshold = thrs, FPR = rates[1,], FNR = rates[2,], CCR = rates[3,])
    rates.df.tidy <- melt(rates.df, 1) %>% select(threshold = threshold, measure = variable, rate = value)
    ggplot(rates.df.tidy, mapping = aes(x = threshold, y = rate, color = measure)) +
      geom_smooth(se = F, method = "loess") + labs(title = caption)

We can now get three figures for the different demographics (let’s forego using facets again):

plot.rates(thrs, rates.w, "white defendants")

plot.rates(thrs, rates.b, "black defendants")

plot.rates(thrs, rates.all, "all defendants")

Part 4: Trying to reproduce the score

Let’s fit the model:

fit <- glm(is_recid ~ age + priors_count, family = binomial, data = compas.train)
##  (Intercept)          age priors_count 
##   1.10503459  -0.05058575   0.16915555

Let’s now obtain the FPR, FNR, and CCR for our model, using the threshold \(0.5\).

get.FPR.fit <- function(thr, compas.set, fit){
  pred <- predict(fit, newdata = compas.set, type = "response") > thr
  return(sum((pred == 1) & (compas.set$is_recid == 0))/sum(compas.set$is_recid == 0))

get.FNR.fit <- function(thr, compas.set, fit){
  pred <- predict(fit, newdata = compas.set, type = "response") > thr
  return(sum((pred == 0) & (compas.set$is_recid == 1))/sum(compas.set$is_recid == 1))

get.CCR.fit <- function(thr, compas.set, fit){
  pred <- predict(fit, newdata = compas.set, type = "response") > thr
  return(mean(pred == compas.set$is_recid))

compas.train.b <- compas.train %>% filter(race == "African-American")
compas.train.w <- compas.train %>% filter(race == "Caucasian")
compas.valid.b <- compas.valid %>% filter(race == "African-American")
compas.valid.w <- compas.valid %>% filter(race == "Caucasian")
thr <- .5

demo.perf.dat.train <- data.frame(FP =  c(get.FPR.fit(thr, compas.train, fit),
                                          get.FPR.fit(thr, compas.train.w, fit),
                                          get.FPR.fit(thr, compas.train.b, fit)),
                                  FN =  c(get.FNR.fit(thr, compas.train, fit),
                                          get.FNR.fit(thr, compas.train.w, fit),
                                          get.FNR.fit(thr, compas.train.b, fit)),
                                  CCR =  c(get.CCR.fit(thr, compas.train, fit),
                                          get.CCR.fit(thr, compas.train.w, fit),
                                          get.CCR.fit(thr, compas.train.b, fit)))

##          FP        FN       CCR
## 1 0.2805728 0.3600993 0.6810000
## 2 0.2102564 0.5072046 0.6662672
## 3 0.3754355 0.2676450 0.6843738
demo.perf.dat.valid <- data.frame(FP =  c(get.FPR.fit(thr, compas.valid, fit),
                                          get.FPR.fit(thr, compas.valid.w, fit),
                                          get.FPR.fit(thr, compas.valid.b, fit)),
                                  FN =  c(get.FNR.fit(thr, compas.valid, fit),  
                                          get.FNR.fit(thr, compas.valid.w, fit),
                                          get.FNR.fit(thr, compas.valid.b, fit)),
                                  CCR =  c(get.CCR.fit(thr, compas.valid, fit),
                                          get.CCR.fit(thr, compas.valid.w, fit),
                                          get.CCR.fit(thr, compas.valid.b, fit)))

##          FP        FN       CCR
## 1 0.2768362 0.3752665 0.6770000
## 2 0.1764706 0.5314685 0.6772334
## 3 0.4016736 0.2563177 0.6763566

It appears that there is basically no overfitting.

Let’s create the two hypothetical people and predict the probability of re-arrest for both:

dat = data.frame(age = c(30, 30), priors_count = c(2, 3))
predict(fit, newdata = dat, type = "response")
##         1         2 
## 0.4814518 0.5237144

We observe an increase of about 3% in the probability.

Part 5: Adjusting thresholds

We basically want to find the thresholds for which the false positive rates are at parity. Let’s see what the rates are for different thresholds.

thr <- c(0.3, 0.4, 0.51, 0.52, 0.53, 0.54, 0.55, 0.553, 0.555, 0.558, 0.56, 0.57, 0.58, 0.59, 0.7, 0.8)
fp.rates <- data.frame(thr = thr, 
                       FP.b  = sapply(thr, get.FPR.fit, compas.train.b, fit),
                       FP.w = sapply(thr, get.FPR.fit, compas.train.w, fit))

##      thr       FP.b        FP.w
## 1  0.300 0.82926829 0.609230769
## 2  0.400 0.66811847 0.449230769
## 3  0.510 0.35365854 0.192820513
## 4  0.520 0.30313589 0.160000000
## 5  0.530 0.26742160 0.137435897
## 6  0.540 0.25348432 0.131282051
## 7  0.550 0.22560976 0.110769231
## 8  0.553 0.21080139 0.100512821
## 9  0.555 0.20993031 0.100512821
## 10 0.558 0.20209059 0.093333333
## 11 0.560 0.20034843 0.093333333
## 12 0.570 0.17857143 0.084102564
## 13 0.580 0.17073171 0.078974359
## 14 0.590 0.15766551 0.072820513
## 15 0.700 0.08101045 0.026666667
## 16 0.800 0.04181185 0.008205128

We need to tweak the threshold for black defendants just a little:

plot.FPR <- function(fp.rates){
  colnames(fp.rates) <- c("thr", "African-American", "Caucasian")
  df.melted <- melt(fp.rates, "thr")
  colnames(df.melted) <- c("thr", "demographic", "FPR")
  ggplot(df.melted) + 
    geom_smooth(mapping=aes(x = thr, y = FPR, color = demographic), method = "loess", se = F) + 
    geom_vline(xintercept = 0.5, linetype = "dashed") + 
    geom_vline(xintercept = 0.553, linetype = "dashed") + 
    geom_hline(yintercept = 0.211, linetype = "dashed") + 
    ggtitle('FPR across thresholds')


thr = 0.553 seems about right.

Now the white and black demographic would be at parity. We’ll compute the correct classification rate on the validation set.

n.correct <- sum(compas.train.b$is_recid == (predict(fit, newdata = compas.train.b, type = "response") > 0.553)) + 
             sum(compas.train.w$is_recid == (predict(fit, newdata = compas.train.w, type = "response") > 0.5))     
n.total <- nrow(compas.train.b) + nrow(compas.train.w)

## [1] 0.664548

(Note that we ignored everyone who wasn’t white or black. That’s OK to do, but including other demographics (in any way you like) is OK too).